KA-TP-14-2002 Decoupling behavior of O(Mt4) corrections to the h0 self-couplings

Decoupling behavior of O(Mt4) corrections to the h0 self-couplings

Decoupling behavior of O(Mt4) corrections to the h0 self-couplings

W. Hollik (Munich, Max Planck Inst.), S. Penaranda (Munich, Max Planck Inst. & ITP). Talk given at 6th International Symposium on Radiative Corrections: Application of Quantum Field Theory Phenomenology (RADCOR 2002) and 6th Zeuthen Workshop on Elementary Particle Theory (Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory), Kloster Banz, Germany, 8-13 Sep 2002. KA-TP-14-2002: Postscript auch erhältlich unter hep-ph/0210108

Download: hep-ph/0210108