Authors: Thi Nhung Dao, Duc Ninh Le, Margarete Mühlleitner, Anh Vu Phan

A Fortran package for the calculation of the complete one-loop corrections in the NMSSM extended by six singlet leptonic superfields. The mixing with the three doublet leptonic superfields allows to generate the tiny non-zero neutrino masses through the inverse seesaw mechanism. The decay widths and branching ratios of the NMSSM Higgs bosons now are computed taking into account the new leptonic contributions. The code also calculates the electron and muon anomalous magnetic moments and the electric dipole moments.


The Fortran package NMSSMCALC-nuSS computes the one-loop corrected NMSSM Higgs boson masses including the additional leptonic contributions from the NMSSM extension by six singlet leptonic superfields, and the two-loop O(alpha_t(alpha_t+alpha_s)) corrected NMSSM Higgs boson masses, both for the CP-conserving and the CP-violating NMSSM. The renormalisation of the Higgs sector is based on a mixed renormalisation scheme applying on-shell and DR_bar conditions, in the top/stop sector the user can choose between OS and DR_bar renormalisation.

The complete one-loop corrections are computed with non-vanishing external momentum including the new leptonic contributions. The two-loop O(alphat(alphat+alphas)) corrections are computed in the gaugeless limit at vanishing external momentum.

The Higgs decay widths and branching ratios are calculated in the NMSSM including the singlet leptonic extension and they include the dominant higher order QCD corrections. The decays into fermion pairs with down-type final state leptons include the higher order SUSY-electroweak corrections, the ones into down-type final state quarks the SUSY-QCD corrections. In case of b-quark(s) in the final state both SUSY-QCD and SUSY-electroweak corrections have been implemented. Off-shell decays into two massive gauge bosons, gauge and Higgs boson and Higgs pair final states as well as into heavy quark pairs are included as well. In the real NMSSM the decays into stop and sbottom pairs, respectively, contain the SUSY-QCD corrections. The input and output files feature the SUSY Les Houches Accord (SLHA).

The code also calculates the electron and muon anomalous magnetic moments (AMM) and, for the complex NMSSM, the electric dipole moments (EDM). For the computation of the EDMs set in Block MODSEL the second entry of 10 to 1, and to 2 for a detailed output with the individual contributions. For the computation of the lepton AMMs set in Block MODSEL the second entry of 11 to 1, and to 2 for a detailed output with the individual contributions.


NMSSMCALC-nuSS contains two directories, one for the real case, called nmssmcalc-nuSS-R, and one for the complex case, called nmssmcalc-nuSS-C. Each directory contains the source files in the directory src/ and in the main branch the two needed input files named inp.dat and bhdecay.in. The file inp.dat is read in by nmssmcalc.f. It must be provided in the SLHA format and has to contain the blocks MODSEL, SMINPUTS (extended by an input for the W boson pole mass, to be given as the 9th entry), MINPAR and EXTPAR. In the complex case also IMEXPTAR and CMPLX have to be given. The latter block is not foreseen in the original SLHA2 format. We added it to provide the complex phase of the vacuum expectation value for H_u. For the new leptonic sector we added new blocks. They are called UPMNSIN, NEUIN, and SNEUIN. For the complex version we furthermore added the blocks IMNEUIN and IMSNEUIN. The file bhdecay.in is read in by bhdecay(_c).f and contains the CKM mixing matrix elements and several flags for the decay calculation. They are explained at the beginning of bhdecay(_c).f and in the manual. After the computation of the loop-corrected NMSSM Higgs boson masses CalcMasses.F writes out all necessary parameters, masses and mixing angles in an SLHA format file slha.in, which is read in by bhdecay(_c).f. This Fortran routine then computes the decay widths and branching ratios and writes these out in an SLHA format file slha_decay.out. Furthermore it writes out all parameters and mixing angles.

How to compile and run the program package:

Download and unpack the tar file nmssmcalc-nuSS.tar.gz Compile all files by typing 'make'. An exectuable 'run' is created. Type './run' to run the executable. The user has to provide the input files for CalcMasses.F (default name 'inp.dat') and for bhdecay(_c).f (to be named 'bhdecay.in'). The user also has the choice to provide in the command line the names of the input and output files for CalcMasses.F (first and second argument) and the name of the output file provided by the decay routine (third argument). Hence the command will be 'run name_file1 name_file2 name_file3' in this case. Sample input files 'inp.dat' and 'bhdecay.in' are included in the .tar files.

Last modified: Tue July 26 08:44:16 CET 2022