SDECAY version 1.3
19 August 2014

Changes in SDECAY (now version 1.3)

  • Change in definition of scaleofewsb (now not read in as extval(0) any more, as this leads to conflicts). Thanks to R. Groeber. (19 August 2014)
  • Typo fix in the function SD_ftotqcd, which plays a role for the QCD corrections to the light squark decays. The fixed typo in particular changes the QCD corrections for compressed spectra. Thanks to W. Hollik, J. Lindert, D. Pagani. (14 July 2012)
  • Some changes so that the decays into an LSP gravitino within GMSB models are calculated, also in case SuSpect is not linked. Some further decays within GMSB models have been added. Existing ones have been corrected. Thanks to CMS SUSYBSM.
  • For initialization, all partial and total widths are set to zero. Thanks to CMS SUSYBSM.
  • Correction of some PDG codes of leptons and sleptons in the SLHA output of the MSSM Higgs particle decays. Thanks to CMS SUSYBSM.
  • Correction of the PDG codes for stau1+, stau2+ in the Snu_tauL decay block of the SLHA output. Thanks to CMS SUSYBSM.
  • Some corrections in the output of SUSY-HIT, so that now also parameter values, which are 0 (and are allowed to be 0), are given out. Thanks to CMS SUSYBSM.
  • The value for extval(24) is now correctly read in. It is defined as M_A^2 in the SLHA. Thanks to Johan Rathsman.
  • Changes in the intitialization of the variables hmixval, minval, extval, m_softval of the corresponding common blocks defined in the SLHA input in order to jump over them in case they are not defined in the SLHA input file.
  • Added a comma at the end of the first line of the common block SD_sup2body. Added a comma at the end of the first line of the common block SD_sel2body. Put a comma in the common block SD_snel2body between brsnellneut and brsnellchar. Thanks to Rémi Lafaye.
  • Bug corrected: The PDG code for "h" is set to 25. (Was 26 before, which is wrong.) Thanks to Rémi Lafaye.
  • Correction in the SLHA input/output concerning soft SUSY breaking parameters. Thanks to Phillip Grajek.

    Changes in SuSpect

  • The value for extval(24) is now correctly read in. It is defined as M_A^2 in the SLHA. Thanks to Johan Rathsman.
  • The variable sgnmu0 is now correctly related to extval(23).
  • The variable extval(26) is now correctly related to M_A.
  • The value imod(2) is now correctly related to the various minimal models according to the SLHA format.
  • The charm quark mass value mc=1.42d0 has been changed to mc=1.40d0 whereever it appears in order to be in accordance with the version used within the program package SUSY-HIT.

  • New SDECAY version 1.2
    Sep 26, 2006

  • This is an announcement, that there exists another slightly modified version of SDECAY 1.2, which is part of the program package SUSY-HIT , a package that allows to calculate not only SUSY particle decays, but also MSSM Higgs boson decays. It consists of SDECAY and HDECAY. The spectrum calculator SuSpect is linked by default. The SUSY-HIT web page is

  • We have created common blocks for the branching ratios and total widths of the various SUSY particles . Thanks to Remi Lafaye who pointed out the necessity to us. Here is the list of newly created common blocks: COMMON/SD_char2body, /SD_char3body, /SD_charwidth, /SD_neut2body, /SD_neut2bodygrav, /SD_neut3body, /SD_neutloop, /SD_neutwidth, /SD_glui2body, /SD_glui3body, /SD_gluiloop, /SD_gluiwidth, /SD_sup2body, /SD_supwidth, /SD_sdown2body, /SD_sdownwidth, /SD_stop2body, /SD_stop3body, /SD_stoploop, /SD_stop4body, /SD_stopwidth, /SD_sbot2body, /SD_sbot3body, /SD_sbotwidth, /SD_sel2body, /SD_selwidth, /SD_snel2body, /SD_snelwidth, /SD_stau2body, /SD_stau2bodygrav, /SD_stauwidth, /SD_sntau2body, /SD_sntauwidth/, SD_top2body,/ SD_topwidth. The names are self-explanatory.

  • In the new version, only non-zero branching ratios are written out in the output file.

  • There has been a correction for the stop, sbottom and stau mixing angles read in from an SLHA input file.

  • The SLHA SDECAY output is now automatically called sdecay_slha.out. The output in the simple form is called sdecay.out.

  • If the flag for loop decays is set to zero, the stop loop decay branching ratios are set to zero by default.

  • The output format 62 has been changed from "62 format(1x,I5,1x,I5,3x,A)" to "62 format(1x,I5,1x,I5,3x,'#',1x,A)".

  • In the subroutine SD_READ_MODSEL which reads in from an SLHA input file the selected model, the format "read(ninlha,*) idum1,idum2,line2,line3" has been changed to "read(ninlha,'(1x,i5,1x,i5,3x,a100)') idum1,idum2,line3".

  • In the subroutine SD_READ_MASS which reads in masses from an SLHA input file, the following lines for reading in the b-quark pole mass have been added: "if(idum.eq.5) then massval(34) = val endif".

  • The vacuum expectation value is set equal to 1/sqrt(sqrt(2)*GF) in case hmixval(3)=0.

  • Since SuSpect has been changed, now the mass of the pseudoscalar Higgs is given by extval(24) if it is not zero. (Before it was sqrt(extval(24)).

  • Due to the creation of an SDECAY version linked to HDECAY, which uses certain default values, in SDECAY the following default values have been changed: now mtau = 1.7771 GeV, mtop = 172.5 GeV, mcharm = 1.40 GeV. If the masses are also given by the linked spectrum calculator, of course these masses are taken by priority by SDECAY.

  • If SuSpect is linked, then the calculated b-quark pole mass from SuSpect is taken over by SDECAY. Otherwise, SDECAY as before calculates the b-quark pole mass from the input MSbar b-quark mass itself.

  • Since there exists now a SDECAY version integrated in the package which links SDECAY and HDECAY, all comments and common blocks related to a possible link to HDECAY have been taken out in the SDECAY1.2 version available on the SDECAY homepage.

  • There have been some changes in setting the soft SUSY breaking masses read in from an SLHA input file.

  • Changes SDECAY version 1.1a
    March 14, 2005

  • Changes in format 103 and 107 for the SLHA output. Thanks to Thomas Nunnemann and Nicolas Moeser.
  • Changes in format of nl, nq (parameters needed in GMSB models) to be conform with the new suspect version. Thanks to David Rainwater.
  • Changes in suspect2.f (!) so that extpar(24) corresponds to MA^2 as demanded by the SUSY Les Houches Accord. Thanks to N.M. Corresponding change in sdecay.f in subroutine the SD_common_ini.

  • New SDECAY version 1.1a
    March 4, 2005

  • Added in SLHA output BLOCK EXTPAR.
  • New SuSpect version 2.33 is linked now. SuSpect is now linked via its SLHA output file. Obsolete common blocks are taken off.
  • Change of Option "number of loops" for the running couplings has been taken off. First option concerning the input parameters: SuSpect is now chosen via "1". Minor changes in the text.

  • A bug in the calculation of the b-pole mass has been corrected. Thanks to Alexander Pukhov (A.P.) for pointing this out to me.
  • A bug in BLOCK MSOFT for the SLHA output has been corrected: The masses are now related to the correct identifying indices. Thanks to Nicolas Moeser for pointing this out to me.
  • In case parameters, which are needed in SDECAY, are missing in the input file, default values are now set where appropriate. In the other cases warnings are given out. Thanks to A.P. for suggesting this to me.
  • Bug in the output of the scale Q in the non-SLHA output corrected. Thanks to A.P.

  • Further minor updates in the SLHA and non-SLHA output files.

    New SDECAY version 1.1
    September 15, 2004

  • Added sbottom 3-body decays .
  • Added QCD corrections to the decays:
    gaugino -> squark quark' and
    squark -> squark' V.
  • Spectrum file in the SUSY Les Houches Accord can now be read in. So now input and output are possible in the SLHA format. (Thanks to Tilman Plehn, who provided me with a routine reading in input files in the SLHA format.)
  • Suspect version 2.11 replaced with version 2.3/June 16,2004 .
  • Changed all names of subroutines and functions to SD_subroutine, SD_function , respectively.
  • Replaced the Z, W mass values whenever they appear in the couplings by the values at the scale of the electroweak symmetry breaking.
  • Changed the value for sin^theta_W at the scale M_Z to the one at the scale of the electroweak symmetry breaking.
  • Changed subroutine SD_CO_lam.
  • Several new common blocks added, among which: SD_mwmzpole, SD_mbmb, SD_mbmsbar, SD_ewsbv, SD_break3, SD_BREAK4, SD_input, ...
  • The output files are enlarged.
  • Several minor changes (some related to the above listed changes).
  • Changed some help functions for the gluino/neutralino radiative decays slightly in order to enlarge the range of validity. (Thanks to Wolfgang Kilian who draw my attention to this problem.)

    SDECAY version 1.0
    Changes April 30, 2004

  • Suspect version 2.11 replaced with version 2.2/Dec 19, 2003.
    The output files have consequently been replaced with the output files created with the suspect version 2.2/Dec. 19, 2003.
    The makefile has been replaced with a new makefile to compile the new suspect version.
    (Thanks to Krzysztof Rolbiecki, who pointed out to me that the previous suspect version 2.11 did not work for arbritrary soft terms at the low scale.)

  • Margarete Mühlleitner
    Last modified: Mon Mar 14 18:44:20 MET 2005