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Higgs-Phänomenologie (SS16)

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Physik jenseits des Standardmodells (WS14/15)

Theo B (SS14)

Higgs-Phänomenologie (SS13)

Supersymmetrie (WS12/13)

Theo B (SS12)

TTP2 (WS11/12)

Talk Monte Carlo Methods (in German)

LaTeX course
(in German)




For the numerical evaluation of hadronic cross sections I have developed a program called HadCalc to facilitate this task. It is based on the established program packages FeynArts and FormCalc which are used to generate the partonic cross sections. The main task of HadCalc then consists of the convolution with the PDFs that are taken from the PDFlib or LHAPDF library packages that include PDF fits from various groups.

With this program it is possible to calculate both totally integrated and differential hadronic cross sections of processes with up to three particles in the final state.  The latter ones can be differential with respect to the partonic center-of-mass energy, or the rapidity or the transverse momentum of one of the outgoing particles. Several cuts can be applied to the phase space. HadCalc operates either in batch mode, where the parameters are read from a file and the cross sections are written back to disk, allowing for easy post-processing with e.g. a tool that generates plots. It can also be used in interactive mode where in- and output are done via keyboard and screen and which allows the user for example to tune the parameters most easily.



To use HadCalc first generate your process with FeynArts and FormCalc. If you still use the older FormCalc with a version number starting with 4, then there is nothing else you would need at this stage. If you use the newer FormCalc version 5, then you additionally need the drivers.tar.gz package.  Unpack it with tar -xzvf drivers.tar.gz. At the end of FormCalc, when writing the generated amplitudes to a file, specify the directory with the unpacked drivers as an argument to SetupCodeDir, as in

dir = SetupCodeDir["partondir", Drivers -> "/path/to/unpacked/drivers"];
WriteSquaredME[ born, {}, Abbr[], dir];

In all cases, change into the generated directory, adapt process.h according to the FormCalc manual and run ./configure. Unpack HadCalc.tar.gz in any directory, change into this directory and run ./configure with the appropriate arguments (see the HadCalc manual for details), followed by gmake. After that you are finished. Run ./HadCalc and follow the on-screen instructions, or read the manual for further options.


The development of HadCalc was part of my PhD thesis. If you like it, please cite the following reference:

M. Rauch,
Quantum Effects in Higgs-Boson Production Processes at Hadron Colliders,
arXiv: 0804.2428 [hep-ph].

%``Quantum Effects in Higgs-Boson Production Processes at Hadron Colliders,''
arXiv:0804.2428 [hep-ph].
%%CITATION = ARXIV:0804.2428;%%

 Last changed: February 13, 2013