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Welcome to s2hdmTools

This is the documentation of the package s2hdmTools, a tool for the for the phenomenological exploration of the S2HDM.

Citation guide

If you use this code for a scientific publication, please cite the following papers:

External software

s2hdmTools makes use of external software to perform some of the computations. Please also cite the relevant publications for the following software if it is relevant for your work:


s2hdmTools can be installed by typing the following command from within the main directory:

make all PC2=/home/.../python2 F2PC2=/home/.../f2py2

The makefile uses pip to install the package to your python environment.

MadDM requires python2 and a Fortran-to-python compiler f2py2. The latter is shipped with numpy. We prefer to leave it to the user to provide which compiler should be used for MadDM, such that the paths have to be given as arguments to the Makefile. This can be done as shown above, or one can set PC2 and F2PC2 directly in the Makefile.

In order to install s2hdmTools without the MadDM interface it is sufficient to do:

make all

User instructions

The user interface of the package is explained here. You can also find an example script under this link, which demonstrates how to initialize a parameter point and how to confront it with the various constraints.


In case you notice any bug or otherwise undesired behaviour, please raise an issue in the gitlab repository.