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Welcome to thdmTools

This is the documentation of thdmTools: a python package for the exploration of the CP-conserving 2 Higgs doublet model (2HDM) with softly-broken Z2 symmetry.


thdmTools is developed by Kateryna Radchenko, María Olalla Olea Romacho and Thomas Biekötter.


The package and all its dependencies are installed by executing:

make all

If you want to specify the compiler/python versions, you can set the environment variables, for instance, as follows:

make all CC=gcc-11 FC=gfortran-11 CXX=g++-11 CM=cmake

The installation will take several minutes to complete. Most time is spent on the download and installation of the external programs:

  • AnyHDecay: Calculation of decay widths
  • HiggsTools: Test against collider constraints
  • THDM_EWPOS: Calculation of W-boson mass and Z-boson decay widths
  • SuperIso: Calculation of flavour-physics observables

If you have modified the python source files, you can reinstall the code without invoking reinstallation of the external codes (which takes time) by executing:

make install-python

Citation guide

If you use thdmtools to produce results for a scientific publication, please cite the following paper:

  • arXiv:2309.17431: Thomas Biekötter (KIT), Sven Heinemeyer (IFT), José Miguel No (IFT), María Olalla Olea Romacho (LPENS), Kateryna Radchenko (DESY) and Georg Weiglein (DESY), First shot of the smoking gun: probing the electroweak phase transition in the 2HDM with novel searches for A → ZH in ℓ+ℓ−tt and ννbb final states, JHEP 01 (2024) 107

Please also cite the relevant papers of the external programs that are interfaced to thdmTools, if you use them.