Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP)

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Emilio Villa

Institute for Theoretical Physics
Group: Heinrich
Room: 12-11
Phone: +49 (0)721 608 43579

Research Interests

  • Higher order perturbative calculations and their applications to Collider Physics
  • Numerical methods for multi-loop Feynman diagrams
  • Mathematical aspects of Feynman integrals and scattering amplitudes

PhD Topic

My PhD project is mainly focused on the study and calculation of 2-loop corrections to Higgs radiation off single Top quark.

About Me

I did both my Bachelor and Master in Physics at the University of Milan. During my master thesis, I worked within the N3PDF collaboration under the supervision of Dr. Stefano Carrazza on a project involving high performance computing for parton distribution functions determination. During my bachelor thesis, I worked under the supervision of Prof. Giancarlo Maero on the characterization of plasma instabilities inside Penning-Malmberg traps.

You can find more information about me and my research on my KSETA fellow page.

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