Research Group of Prof. Dr. Gudrun Heinrich
Dr. Bakul Agarwal, Dr. Marco Bonetti, Benjamin Campillo Aveleira, Dr. Marius Höfer, Dr. Matthias Kerner, Lucas Kunz, Dr. Vitaly Magerya, Anton Olsson, Augustin Vestner
General research field
Precision calculations and their applications to Collider Physics.
List of publications: iNSPIRE.
Higgs physics
- shedding light on the Higgs potential through Higgs boson pair production
- study of anomalous couplings in the Higgs sector within Effective Field Theory
- higher order corrections in the Higgs sector
- Monte Carlo programs for precision phenomenology
Heavy quarks and the Higgs boson
- higher order perturbative calculations
- hints of physics beyond the Standard Model in the top-Higgs sector
Development of novel methods for precision calculations
- automation of two-loop amplitude calculations
- calculation of multi-loop Feynman diagrams
- mathematical aspects of Feynman diagrams
- application of machine learning methods to loop amplitudes
A program to factorize the poles from dimensionally regulated
parameter integrals and to evaluate them numerically. It can be used for
multi-loop integrals as well as other multi-dimensional parameter integrals.
- current pySecDec collaboration:
Gudrun Heinrich (KIT), Stephen Jones (IPPP Durham), Matthias Kerner (KIT) , Vitaly Magerya (KIT), Anton Olsson (KIT), Johannes Schlenk (Zurich) - former members:
Sophia Borowka, Jonathon Carter, Stephan Jahn, Andres Poldaru, Emilio Villa, Tom Zirke
ggHH and ggHH_SMEFT
NLO corrections to Higgs boson pair production with full top quark mass dependence, including anomalous couplings.
A program to generate and evaluate multi-leg one-loop amplitudes, within and beyond the Standard Model.,
One-loop library of scalar and tensor integrals (written in Fortran95).
Computes the QCD contributions to event shapes and jet rates in
electron-positron annihilation at parton level to order $\alpha_s^3$.
For three-jet production and related observables, this corresponds to NNLO corrections.
Information on Bachelor and Master Theses
If you are interested in a Bachelor, Master or PhD thesis in the field of precision calculations and particle phenomenology, please contact Gudrun Heinrich via email. The thesis may involve work with programs based mainly on python and C++ (for example the program pySecDec) or python and fortran90 (for example the program GoSam). However, subjects where the focus is more on analytic calculations are also possible. The students will be part of an active and lively research group, comprising also international collaborators.
Examples for Bachelor thesis topics
- Untersuchung der Effekte noch unbekannter Teilchen im Rahmen von effektiver Feldtheorie, Anwendung auf Streuprozesse oder Teilchenzerfälle am Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
- Anwendung neuer Methoden zur Berechnung von Feynman-Integralen
- Numerische Untersuchung von Feynman-Integralen basierend auf dem Programm pySecDec
- Untersuchung extremer kinematischer Bereiche (Hochenergie-Limes, kleine Massen, etc.)
- Untersuchung von Prozessen an zukünftigen Lepton-Beschleunigern
Examples for Master thesis topics
- Investigation of effects from so far unknown particles/interactions in the framework of Effective Field Theories
- Higgs production in association with other particles as a window to New Physics
- Study of multi-loop-integrals involving heavy particles (Higgs bosons, heavy quarks, weak bosons) based on the program pySecDec
- Precision calculations for future lepton colliders
- Investigation of new methods to calculate scattering amplitudes
- Application of machine learning methods to loop amplitudes