Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP)

News archive

25.01.2024: KCETA Particle Physics Colloquium (posted on: 23.01.2024)

In the upcoming KCETA colloquium (Thursday, 25.01., 15h45–17h00), we will have Prof. Roberto Franceschini (INFN Roma Tre) giving a talk on “Future Colliders”. The colloquium will take place in Kleiner Hörsaal A.


18.01.2024: ITP Seminar (posted on: 18.01.2024)

In today's ITP seminar (Thursday, 18.01., 14h00), Jannis Lang will talk about “Effective field theories in Higgs physics at higher orders”. The seminar will take place in room 12-01.


18.01.2024: KCETA Particle Physics Colloquium (posted on: 08.01.2024)

In the first KCETA colloquium of this year (Thursday, 18.01., 15h45–17h00), we will have Dr. Jan Kieseler (KIT ETP) giving a talk on “AI designed detectors”. The colloquium will take place in Kleiner Hörsaal A. Please note that the colloquium has been postponed from originally 11.01. to 18.01., one week later.


21.12.2023: KCETA Particle Physics Colloquium (posted on: 19.12.2023)

In the upcoming and last KCETA colloquium of this year (Thursday, 21.12., 15h45–17h00), we will have Dr. Jan Fiete Grosse-Oetringhaus (CERN) giving a talk on “High Density QCD with Heavy-Ion and Proton Beams”. The colloquium will take place in Kleiner Hörsaal A.


19.12.2023: New ITP Members (posted on: 19.12.2023)

We warmly welcome our new institute members who joined recently: Finn-Christian Rosumek (bachelor student, Heinrich group), Jens Boos (postdoc, Mühlleitner group), and Emil Overduin (master student, Mühlleitner group). We wish them a pleasant and productive stay at our institute!


14.12.2023: ITP Seminar (posted on: 12.12.2023)

In the upcoming ITP seminar (Thursday, 14.12., 14h00), David Schreiber will talk about his bachelor thesis project. The seminar will take place in room 12-01.


14.12.2023: KCETA Particle Physics Colloquium (posted on: 12.12.2023)

In the upcoming KCETA colloquium (Thursday, 14.12., 15h45–17h00), we will have Dr. Matthew McCullough (CERN) giving a talk on “Inflation and the Structure of the Higgs Vacuum”. The colloquium will take place in Kleiner Hörsaal A.


07.12.2023: ITP Seminar (posted on: 07.12.2023)

In today's ITP seminar (Thursday, 07.12., 14h00), we will first discuss a few interesting papers and then Christoph Borschensky will talk about “Higgs Mass Predictions with Heavy Particles in the NMSSM”. The seminar will take place in room 12-01.


07.12.2023: KCETA Particle Physics Colloquium (posted on: 07.12.2023)

In today's KCETA colloquium (Thursday, 07.12., 15h45–17h00), we will have Dr. Tevong You (King's College London) giving a talk on “The Failure of Naturalness”. The colloquium will take place in Kleiner Hörsaal A.


30.11.2023: ITP Seminar (posted on: 28.11.2023)

In the upcoming ITP seminar (Thursday, 30.11., 14h00), Francisco Arco will talk about “Searching for the triple Higgs couplings of the 2HDM”. The seminar will take place in room 12-01.

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