Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP)

KA-TP-07-2024 NNLL-fast 2.0: Coloured Sparticle Production at the LHC Run 3 with $\sqrt{S} = 13.6$ TeV

NNLL-fast 2.0: Coloured Sparticle Production at the LHC Run 3 with $\sqrt{S} = 13.6$ TeV

NNLL-fast 2.0: Coloured Sparticle Production at the LHC Run 3 with $\sqrt{S} = 13.6$ TeV

Wim Beenakker, Christoph Borschensky, Michael Krämer, Anna Kulesza, Eric Laenen, Judita Mamužić, Laura Moreno Valero


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