Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP)

Research Group of Jun. Prof. Dr. Anke Biekötter

Research Interests

Exploring physics beyond the Standard Model with Effective Field Theories.

List of publications: iNSPIRE.

  • Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT)
  • Axion-like particles (ALPs)
  • Modern analysis techniques (Machine Learning)
  • Global fits
  • Beyond Standard Model (BSM) phenomenology
  • Collider phenomenology
  • Effective field theories

Group Members

Together with Prof. Matthias Neubert (JGU Mainz), I am a co-host for the Humboldt Fellowship of Dr. Upalaparna Banerjee at JGU Mainz.

Information on Bachelor and Master Theses

If you are interested in a Bachelor or Master thesis in theoretical particle physics, please get in touch via email. As projects will typically involve running and writing computer programs, coding skills or the willingness to improve them will be beneficial.

Information on PhD Theses

There is currently an opening for a PhD position starting between February and October 2025. Applicants should be interested in working on the phenomenology of effective field theories, including Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) and axion-like particles (ALPs). Previous experience with EFTs, collider pheno, Higgs and electroweak physics or beyond SM pheno would be ideal.

The selected PhD candidate will become a member of the Karlsruhe School of Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics (KSETA), which offers training programs and additional support. They will also have the opportunity to collaborate with researchers at RWTH Aachen, Siegen University and Heidelberg University within the collaborative research center TRR 257 Particle Physics Phenomenology after the Higgs Discovery.

Applicants should email their CV, a description of their research interests and motivation, as well as a transcript of records of their current degree including grades. They should also organize for one (or ideally two) reference letter(s) by their current supervisor(s) and colleagues (e.g. postdocs) to be sent via email.

Applicants are also highly encouraged to apply for a KSETA doctoral fellowship. The application deadline for this fellowship is February 9, 2025. Details on the required documents for the fellowship application are given on the linked website. If you apply for the fellowship directly, I would still appreciate it if you could contact me via email (including your documents) first.

The salary will be 65% of E13 (equaling a net salary of ~1800 EUR for an unmarried person in the first year of contract).

To apply, please send your application documents via email, preferably as a single PDF document. Preference is given to applicants submitting before February 1st. Later applications will be considered until the position is filled. If you have any further questions about the position or the application process, please email me directly.

[Update 4.02.25: Due to the large number of applicants, I will not be able to review any further applications.]

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