Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP)

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Research Group of Prof. Dr. Gudrun Heinrich

General research field

Precision calculations and their applications to Collider Physics


Higgs physics

  • shedding light on the Higgs potential through Higgs boson pair production
  • study of anomalous couplings in the Higgs sector within Effective Field Theory
  • higher order corrections in the Higgs sector
  • Monte Carlo programs for precision phenomenology

Heavy quarks and the Higgs boson

  1. higher order perturbative calculations
  2. hints of physics beyond the Standard Model in the top-Higgs sector

Development of novel methods for precision calculations

  1. automation of two-loop amplitude calculations
  2. calculation of multi-loop Feynman diagrams
  3. mathematical aspects of Feynman diagrams



A program to factorize the poles from dimensionally regulated
parameter integrals and to evaluate them numerically. It can be used for
multi-loop integrals as well as other multi-dimensional parameter integrals.

  • current pySecDec collaboration:
    Gudrun Heinrich, Stephen Jones, Matthias Kerner,
    Andres Poldaru, Johannes Schlenk, Emilio Villa
  • former members:
    Sophia Borowka, Jonathon Carter, Stephan Jahn, Tom Zirke


NLO corrections to Higgs boson pair production with full top quark mass dependence, including anomalous couplings.


A program to generate and evaluate multi-leg one-loop amplitudes, within and beyond the Standard Model.


One-loop library of scalar and tensor integrals (written in Fortran95).


Computes the QCD contributions to event shapes and jet rates in electron-positron annihilation at parton level to order $\alpha_s^3$. For three-jet production and related observables, this corresponds to NNLO corrections.

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