Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP)

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Bachelor and Master theses

You are very welcome to work on your Bachelor's or Master's thesis at the Institute for Theoretical Physics! The groups of Prof. Dr. Milada M. Mühlleitner, Prof. Dr. Dieter Zeppenfeld, Prof. Dr. Gudrun Heinrich and PD Dr. Stefan Gieseke offer thesis topics in their respective research fields. In each case the topic is chosen carefully to match the current research work and the interests of a given candidate. In order to learn more about what you may do, you are always welcome to talk to us (cf. office hours stated below). Please do not hesitate to come to the 12th floor to meet us or write us an email in order to make an appointment if you are interested. We are always happy to help.

Brief description of thesis topics in the collider physics groups at the ITP:

Office hours as stated below and additionally by request

Professors and Lecturers
Name Room Phone Email Office hours
PD Dr. Stefan Gieseke 12-10 +49721-608-43581 on request
Prof. Dr. Gudrun Heinrich 12-04.1 Mi 14:30-15:30
Prof. Dr. Frans R. Klinkhamer 12-09 +49721-608-42083 Fri 12:30 - 1:30 p.m.
Prof. Dr. Milada M. Mühlleitner 12-13 +49721-608-46366 Wed 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Prof. Dr. Dieter Zeppenfeld 12-06 +49721-608-43553 Thu 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Selection of recent Bachelor theses

* David Bürg: Running coupling- and quark mass effects in Higgs boson pair production, September 2023 (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. G. Heinrich)

  • Anika Corban: Anomale Kopplungen beim top-quark-Zerfall, Januar 2023 (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. G. Heinrich)
  • Jana Knandel: Higgsproduktion in Gluonfusion mit pySecDec, August 2022 (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. G. Heinrich)
  • Marijn van Geest: Anomalous couplings in ttH production, August 2022 (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. G. Heinrich)
  • Niklas Reinhardt: Numerische Untersuchung des 2-Loop-Sunrise-Integrals , 14.01.2021 (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. G. Heinrich, Prof. Dr. Marlis Hochbruck)
  • David Maibach: Baryogenese in Singulett-Erweiterungen des Standardmodells, 02.01.2019 (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. M. M. Mühlleitner)
  • Moritz Laber: Dunkle Materie im N2HDM, 23.05.2017 (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. M. M. Mühlleitner)
  • Oleg Kaikov: Untersuchungen zum 3HDM, 15.07.2016 (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. M. M. Mühlleitner)

Selection of recent Master theses

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